duminică, 2 ianuarie 2011

Pestele din imagini traieste pe coastele japoneze. Cel fotografiat are in jur de 30 de ani si mascul, asa ca a fost usor sa fie poreclit precum celebrul capcaun.
Capul neobisnuit al pestelui i-a adus "recunoasterea" internationala. Toata lumea il cunoaste acum pe cel mai ciudat peste din lume. Unii ar spune cel mai urat din neamul sau.
"Shrek", descoperit de cei care faceau scubadiving, se hraneste cu crustacee de pe fundul apei

Pisoiul in cauza a fost denumit Ugly Bat Boy de catre stapanul sau, medicul veterinar Stephen Basset din New Hampshire, Marea Britanie. In varsta de 8 ani, mica felina domestica a reusit sa smulga simpatia lumii intregi dupa ce imaginile sale au facut inconjurul planetei.
Ugly Bad Boy a deventi mascota cabinetului veterinar din Exter, New Hampshire, in mare parte datorita imaginii sale. Batranul motan a “chelit” la propriu, medicii veterinari nereusind sa diagnosticheze cu exactitate cauza afectiunii care l-a lasat fara blana pe aproape tot corpul cu exceptia gatului, pieptului si abdomenului, unde ciudatata felina prezinta o mantie stranie.

Cea mai mare masina din lume (in anul 2007) este de la compania Liebherr( Aceasta companie germana a fost fondata in anul 1949 de Hans Liebherr). O basculanta numita T 282 B. Imaginea spune tot:

                                                                THE BIGGEST CAR

sâmbătă, 1 ianuarie 2011

Ken Block (born November 21, 1967, in Long Beach, California)[2] is a professional rally racer with the Monster World Rally Team. Block is also one of the co-founders and recently appointed Chief Brand Officer of DC Shoes.[1] Block has competed in many action sports events including skateboarding, snowboarding, motocross, and most notably rally racing.


joi, 23 decembrie 2010

Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz sau Jaguar sunt maşini rapide şi luxoase pe care orice şofer ar dori să le conducă, însă atunci când vine vorba de viteză acestea nu prind nici măcar top 10. Vezi mai jos care sunt cele mai rapide maşini din lume.
Bugatti, constructorul de maşini de lux, a prezentat duminică noul model Veyron 16.4 Super Sport care a intrat în Cartea Recordurilor drept cel mai rapid automobil de serie produs vreodată după ce a fost înregistrat cu o viteză de 434 km/h.  Vezi mai jos top 10 cele mai rapide maşini de serie din lume şi cât valorează acestea.
1.Bugatti Veyron Super Sport 2010 World Record Edition
Data intrării în producţie: 2010
Viteza maximă: 431 km/h
Cai putere: 1.200
0-100km/h: 2,2 secunde
Preţ: 2 milioane de dolari
2.Keating TKR
Data intrării în producţie: 2009
Viteza maximă: 417 km/h
Cai putere: 1.200
0-100km/h: sub 3 secunde
Preţ: 700.000 dolari
3.SSC Ultimate Aero 2007
Data intrării în producţie: 2006
Viteza maximă: 412 km/h
Cai putere: 1.147
Preţ: 800.000 dolari
4.Bugatti Veyron
Data intrării în producţie: 2004
Viteza maximă: 408,5 km/h
Cai putere: 1.001
0-100km/h: 2,5 secunde
Preţ: 1,85 milioane dolari
5.Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo
Data intrării în producţie: 2000
Viteza maximă: 399 km/h
Cai putere: 750
0-100km/h: 2,8 secunde
Preţ: 670.000 dolari
6.Koenigsegg CCR
Data intrării în producţie: 2004
Viteza maximă: 387 km/h
Cai putere: 806
0-100km/h: 3,2 secunde
Preţ: 670.000 dolari
7.McLaren F1
Data intrării în producţie: 1992
Viteza maximă: 371,8 km/h
Cai putere: 627
0-100km/h: 3,2 secunde
Preţ: 1,1 milioane dolari
8.Pagani Zonda F
Data intrării în producţie: 2005
Viteza maximă: 350 km/h
Cai putere: 594
0-100km/h: 3,5 secunde
Preţ: 800.000 dolari
9.Ascari A10
Data intrării în producţie: 2006
Viteza maximă: 350 km/h
Cai putere: 650
0-100km/h: 2,8 secunde
Preţ: 780.000 dolari

joi, 9 decembrie 2010

They see me rollin'
They hatin'
And tryin. to catch me ridin. dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
My music so loud;
I'm swangin'.
They hopin'
That they gon' catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.

Verse 1 (Chamillionaire)
Police think they can see me lean;
I'm tint so it ain't easy to be seen.
For me to see me ride by, they can see the glean
And my shine on the deck and the TV screen.
Ride with a new chick, she like "Hold up."
Next to the Playstation controlla
There's a full clip in my pistola;
send a jacker into a coma.
Girl, you ain't know, I'm crazy like Krayzie Bone;
Just tryin' to make you horny, ain't tryin' to have no babies.
Ride clean as hell so I pull in ladies.
Law's on patrol; you know they hate me.
Music turned all the way up and to the maximum;
I can speak for some niggas tryin' to jack for some.
But we packin' somethin' that we have
And, um, will have a nigga locked up in the maximum
Security cell. I'm grippin' oak.
Music loud and I'm tippin' slow.
Twins steady twistin' like hit this dough;
Police Pull up from behind and im sittin low.
Windows down, gotta stop pollution.
CDs change; niggas like "Who is that producin'?"
This the Play-N-Skillz when we out and cruisin'
Got warrants in every city except Houston
But I still ain't losin'.

They see me rollin';
They hatin'.
And tryin. to catch me ridin. dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
My music so loud;
I'm swangin'.
They hopin'
That they gon' catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.

Verse 2 (Krayzie Bone)
I been drinkin' and smokin'; holdin' shit
'Cause a brother can't focus.
I gotta get to home 'fore the po-po's scope
This big ol Excursion
All up in the curve, man.
Nigga been sippin' on that Hennessey
And the gin again
Is in again;
We in the wind.
Doin' a hundred while I come from the block
And rollin another one up;
We livin' like we ain't givin' a fuck.
I got a revolver in my right hand;
40 oz on my lap, freezing my balls
Roll a nigga tree, green leaves and all.
Comin' up pretty deep, me and my dog, jo.
I gotta get to backstreets;
Versuri Chamillionaire - Ridin
Wanted by the six-pounds
And I got heat.
shots to the block;
We creep-creep. Pop-pop.
Hope cops don't see me;
On a low key.
With no regard for the law,
We dodge 'em like fuck-'em-all.
But I won't get caught up
And brought up
On charges for none of y'all.
Keep a gun in car
And a blunt to spark,
But, well, if you want,
Nigga,poppin'you dark.
Ready or not, we gon' bust shots off in the air
Krayzie Bone and Chamillionaire.

They see me rollin';
They hatin'.
And tryin. to catch me ridin. dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
My music so loud;
I'm swangin'.
They hopin'
That they gon' catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.

Verse 3 (Chamillionaire)
Do what you thinkin' so,
I tried to let you go.
Turn on my blinker light
And then I swang it slow.
And they upset for sure
'Cause they think they know
That they catchin me with plenty of the drink n' dro.
So they get behind me,
Tryin' to check my tags.
Look at my rearview and they smilin',
Thinkin' they'll catch me on the wrong; keep tryin'
steady denyin' it's racial profilin'.
Houston, TX, you can check my tags;
Pull me over, try to check my slab.
Glove compartment, gotta get my cash
'Cause the crooked cops'll try to come up fast.
And bein' the baller that I am, I talk to them,
Givin' a damn 'bout not feeling my attitude.
When they realize I ain't even ridin' dirty
Bet you'll be leavin' with an even madder mood.
I'ma laugh at you
And then I have to cruise.
You're a number two
On some old DJ Screw.
You can't arrest me plus you can't sue.
This a message to the law; tells 'em "We hate you."
I can't be touched and tell 'em that they shoulda known.
Tippin' down; I'm sittin' crooked on my chrome.
Bookin' my phone; findin' a chick I wanna bone.
Like they couldn't stop me I'mma bout to pull up at your home
And it's on.

They see me rollin';
They hatin'.
And tryin. to catch me ridin. dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
My music so loud;
I'm swangin'.
They hopin'
That they gon' catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dïrty.

Despre mine

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Intrebati ... ne mai auzim la ...chamillion_chamillitary xD

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